landlords and tenants
California Has a Brand-new, Very Tiny Renters’ CaucusTalking to the chair of the four-member group about skyrocketing costs, landlord colleagues, and what he pays for a one-bedroom.
getting around
7-Inch Platform Gaps Are Keeping Disabled Riders Off the SubwaysA new class-action lawsuit is demanding the MTA do something to actually fix them.
Mike Davis Was RightAbout the fires in Malibu, the hostile approach to urban planning, the inequality crushing Los Angeles.
getting around
New York’s Halloween Streets Plan Should Be in Place Year-RoundIt shouldn’t be this dangerous for kids to walk around their neighborhoods.
getting around
Can You Make Drivers Pay Attention to Cyclists?Automakers are betting that a series of built-in alerts will help save lives.
landlords and tenants
‘That’s the One to Put in a Blender’The secret Los Angeles City Council recordings reveal a real fear of a potential tenants’ bloc.
getting around
The SUV-ification of Police FleetsExperts sound the alarm as departments across the country embrace bigger, faster vehicles.
getting around
The Case for the One-Car BuildingWhy a midtown tower’s communal Porsche is kind of a good thing.
Is There Such a Thing As an Ethical Smart City?Josh O’Kane’s new book on Sidewalk Labs’ failed city of the future says there’s potential.
jackson water crisis
extreme heat
When the Playground Slide Reaches 122 DegreesHow we’ve surrendered some of our most essential public spaces to extreme heat.
hot garbage
Is Alternate-Side Parking a Mistake?How the weekly car ballet does, and doesn’t, keep the city clean.
getting around
California Banned Gas Cars. Now It Needs a Plan for Fewer Cars.“Responding to climate change requires diminishing that car dependence.”
getting around
getting around
Can a Garage Full of Revel Taxis Stop the Next Blackout?Electric vehicles could become a giant energy-storage bank.
getting around
what is elon musk?
Elon’s Biggest BoondoggleWhy did the world’s richest man spend the past five years trying to sell cities a hole in the ground?
getting around
the unhoused
getting around
getting around
getting around
A Bike Lane Built for a Car CrashWhy did L.A.’s 6th Street Bridge turn into just another altar to the automobile?
gun violence
52 Empty School Buses Drove to Ted Cruz’s HouseThe mobile memorial is visiting NRA-funded politicians to remind them of the 4,368 U.S. children murdered by gun violence since 2020.
life after roe
Ozark, of All Things, Inspired a Plan for a Floating Gulf Coast Abortion Clinic“I began thinking of how it could be legal because of those casino ships on the Mississippi.”
life after roe
The Lobby Newsstand Could be the Future of AbortionPeople lease federal land to sell chips and drill for oil. Why not a clinic?
getting around
How California Got ‘Relief at the Pump’ RightLawmakers realized it’s not just about drivers.
capitol riot
getting around
Bring on the SUV CrushingIf New York City wants to do safety spectacle, let’s go big.
getting around
The MTA Bus Driver Who Won’t Tell You to Pay“I’m not enforcing a fare that can lead to me being hurt.”
getting around
Los Angeles Is Trying to Ban Bike Repair in PublicThe council just advanced an ordinance that would make it illegal to be in public space with bike parts.
back to the office
Elon Musk Is Over Remote WorkPut in 40 hours a week at the office first, then he’ll consider it.
early and often
Rick Caruso, the Mall King Who Would Be L.A.’s MayorTo get an idea of what kind of leader he might be, take a walk through the Grove.
texas school shooting
The Pro-Gun, Anti-Door PartyAfter Uvalde, Republicans turn to a bizarre talking point about school safety.
Solar Panels Are Coming to IkeaLuckily, you don’t have to put them together yourself.
the unhoused
The Homeless Shelter Bearing Alex Trebek’s Name Is Finally OpenThe Jeopardy! host was a generous and outspoken advocate for more housing.
getting around
This Funny Little Fire Engine Is Pro-PedestrianHow rightsizing emergency fleets is safer in more ways than one.
getting around
That Light in the Distance May Be an Oncoming TeslaElon Musk’s new Vegas tunnel will, for the time being, alternate one-way traffic in two directions.
Samuel Alito’s Right to PrivacyThe justice’s wealthy neighborhood, now a site of protests, was built to keep people out.
getting around
Uber Is Ready to Accept Failure, Sort OfIn a leaked memo, the CEO admits the plan was never going to work.
getting around
‘Stay in Jersey’ Has Some MeritA troll campaign makes the accidental case for congestion pricing.
special delivery
Who Isn’t Suing the USPS Over Its Gas-Guzzler Trucks?Sixteen states, plus three big metro regions, are trying to get the post office to electrify faster.
getting around
Lattes Are the Fuel of the Turnstile JumperThe MTA chairman sees a pattern, con panna.
boring news
Elon Musk Pivots to Pedestrian TunnelsHis Boring Company is trying to dig holes all over Texas.
Disney Is a Kingdom Within a StateUndoing its self-governance will be more complicated than Ron DeSantis thinks.
the rent is too damn high
LAPD Wants a Rent Subsidy for Cops“What landlord wouldn’t want a cop living in their complex?”
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