getting around
A Streets Plan That’s Really a Time MachineNYC’s City Council wants you to get everywhere faster.
getting around
getting around
The Oakland Tiny-Home Fire Raises Bigger Questions About Homeless HousingAdvocates and residents are asking about the safety and long-term feasibility of these unconventional shelters.
college towns
getting around
How to Build a Pedestrian Bridge That Doesn’t Get You AnywhereL.A.’s attempt to make car-free connections falls short. But there’s some good news for horses.
getting around
buyers and sellers
Fashion Nova’s CEO Bought ‘the One’ MegamansionHe’s quite a collector of nearly identical homes.
ukraine invasion
private jets
Russian-Oligarch Jet Tracker — Now Featuring Emissions!A Florida teen understands the connection between kleptocracy and climate catastrophe better than most.
new urbanism
The New Urbanists Make Friends With Tucker CarlsonA warm chat between Andrés Duany and a bigoted nativist.
getting around
We May Be Entering a Glorious Era of Stroller SpreadingIs this the end of the MTA’s policy requiring caregivers to fold and stash their strollers?
getting around
Bring on the Concrete Bike LanesThey’re not always pretty, but they work.
getting around
getting around
The Very Intentional Way the U.S. Became a Nation of “Accidents”Jessie Singer’s book argues, persuasively, that we’re doing this to ourselves.
college towns
Berkeley Alum Says No More Students in My Berkeley BackyardAfter losing a lawsuit, the school has to cut the enrollment of its incoming class by one-third.
eyes on the street
Jane Jacobs Rented a Desk Here for $8 a Week. Now It’s Asking $8.9 Million.The West Village townhouse where Jacobs wrote The Death and Life of American Cities is for sale for the first time in 60 years.
no drilling where we’re living
L.A. Just Banned Oil Drilling. Now Comes the Hard Part.It’s a real victory. But now, nearly 5,000 wells have to be closed, capped, and cleaned up.
mountain lions
getting around
There’s Just One Problem With That Cute New USPS TruckThe first huge order of vehicles will mostly be gasoline-powered rather than electric.
getting around
We Graded Pete Buttigieg’s Road-Safety PlanPromising policy, with questions about implementation.
highway removal
About Time: Syracuse’s I-81 Is Finally Being DemolishedKathy Hochul’s next move aims to start rectifying a mid-century mistake.
furniture design
Finally, a Desk for Working ParentsThe Fairfield carrel was designed to help caregivers with young kids in tow better access their local library.
pandemic life
Biden’s Free-Masks-and-Tests Plan Ignores How People in Cities Really LivePeople who live in multifamily housing or multigenerational households are hitting roadblocks.
getting around
L.A. Just Ran (and Ended) the Biggest Free-Transit Experiment in the U.S.Now Metro is using the information from 281 million free bus rides to game out improvements.
vision zero but for cougars
World’s Largest Wildlife Crossing Is Finally Under Way in Los AngelesA bridge for local mountain lions that’s nearly an acre in size has been in the works for over a decade.
getting around
Every Governor Should Copy Kathy Hochul’s Interborough ExpressPutting underused rails back into action for transit is a no-brainer of a good idea.
getting around
Venice Bridge Will Be De-Calatrava’d to Stop Pedestrians From Face-plantingThe tempered-glass bridge that caused “almost daily” falls, breaking at least two people’s bones, will finally be replaced with stone.
highways to hell
One State Is Showing Us How to End America’s Addiction to Highway ExpansionColorado passed a first-in-the-nation rule requiring new transportation projects to prove they can reduce emissions.
L.A.’s Backed-up Port Is Shrouding Neighborhoods in Toxic Smog“Now we have ships for 150 miles out, and all that pollution is still going to come here.”
‘The Mayor Knew’Eric Garcetti’s top aide was a serial harasser, according to multiple accusers. The mayor, they say, ignored it.
crowd science
We Already Knew How to Prevent the Disaster at AstroworldCrowd management is key, but no one has more power than the artist onstage.
getting around
Michelle Wu Can Be America’s First Actual Climate MayorBoston’s new chief executive is a bus-riding mom who wants to make transit free.
New York Needs to Become a City That Floods Now and ThenClimate-justice scholar Kian Goh on New York’s challenges nine years after Sandy.
A Federal Transportation Official Deleted Twitter to Avoid Elon Musk’s FansMissy Cummings has been studying autonomous vehicles for longer than Tesla has been around.
hurricane ida
New York Doesn’t Need Its Own Forecast. It Needs a Forecast Communicator.“It’s very clear that the blatant breakdown of communication is what needs to be adjusted.”
that’s no moon
california dreaming
hurricane ida
What Went Wrong With NYC’s Emergency Alerts, and How Can We Do Better?Contextual warnings, explicit directions, and better outreach before the storm could all help.
getting around
objects of desire
I Call the Pink Plate! My Indestructible Love for HellerwareAlan Heller and Massimo Vignelli have set my dinner table for three generations.
congestion pricing
getting around
There’s One Thing We Can Learn From the Villages’ SuccessThe fastest-growing town in America is also one in which golf carts replace a lot of car trips.
andrew cuomo resignation
We Just Got a Reprieve From Cuomo’s Worst Transit IdeasSo we might not get stuck with that LGA AirTrain anymore.
back to the office
The Great Office-Opening Rollback Has BegunAs tech companies once again pave the way, it feels like March 2020 again.
throwing shade
Here’s How Hard Los Angeles Has Made It to Install a Bus ShelterA new design for a tiny sunshade is about the best anyone can do.
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