DW Gibson

  1. homelessness
    Why It’s So Hard to Stop Being Homeless in New YorkThe city spends $1.2 billion a year on homelessness. Yet the crisis only gets worse. Eight homeless New Yorkers explain why.
  2. reasons to love new york
    Can This ‘Smart Policing’ Program Teach the NYPD How to Listen?Deputy police commissioner Michael Julian has devised a three-day course designed to emphasize the civil in cop-civilian relations.
  3. rent is too damn high
    Yes, It’s Illegal for Landlords to Discriminate. And Yes, They Still Do It.A conversation with a housing advocate.
  4. gentrification
    Grim, Racist Methods of One Brooklyn LandlordHe explains the tricks he uses to get black renters — and even owners — out of their homes in gentrifying neighborhoods.