Elaine Godfrey

  1. spooky
    311 Will Be Your Ghost Hotline This Halloween — Not That You’ll Need ItThere have only been two ghost reports in the past three years.
  2. guantanamo
    Last British Guantánamo Prisoner Freed After More Than 13 YearsShaker Aamer was never charged with a crime.
  3. penny pincher
    Epic Change-Jar Hoarder Finally Cashes In His Half-Million PenniesFind a penny, pick it up, 45 years later you’ll have $5,000.
  4. fact-check
    6 Debunked Statements From the GOP DebateIt wasn’t a great night for facts.
  5. geopolitics for dummies
    Iran Will Join the Conversation on SyriaThe enemy of whose enemy is whose friend again?
  6. Trump Begs Iowans to Please, Please Like Him Again“Will you get the numbers up, Iowa, please?”
  7. das bad
    Volkswagen Suffers Its First Quarterly Loss in More Than a DecadeWhat a surprise. 
  8. BuzzFeed to Withdraw From SXSW After the Cancellation of Gamer-Harassment PanelsSXSW canceled the discussions on harassment … because of harassment.
  9. your mother sucked rotten eggs
    Charles Koch ‘Spouts Off’ on the GOP RaceCharles Koch thinks Trump is intolerant — and compares himself to a baby whale.
  10. hotspots
    Temperatures Will Be Too High for Human Survival in Persian GulfGoing outside will kill you.
  11. crimes and misdemeanors
    ‘Very Drunk’ California Man Defaces Historic RocksHe wrote “blow jobs 24-7” on a bighorn sheep carving.
  12. lol
    Guatemala Elects a Right-Wing TV-Comedian President“Not corrupt, nor a thief” — but known for wearing blackface on TV.
  13. there’s an app for that
    Uber’s New York Empire Expands, at the Expense of Yellow TaxisUber growth can be a zero-sum game.
  14. most interesting
    Village Halloween Parade Now a Branding Opportunity for Dos Equis“The Most Interesting Man in the World” was named grand marshal. Is this scary?
  15. tragedy
    Sweden School Attack Being Treated As Hate CrimeTwo people were killed by the 21-year-old attacker.
  16. today in police reports
    N.J. Police Ask Unknown Weed Owner to Come and Get ItSomeone out there is missing a whole lot of marijuana.
  17. car talk
    People Should Stop Talking to Their Cars, Study SaysUsing voice commands is like “balancing a checkbook while driving.”
  18. election 2016
    Carson Takes Lead in Iowa Despite Being on Book Tour All MonthBonus: Trump apologizes for his intern.
  19. the future
    Austria Legalizes Future HoverboardsBack to the Future is still somewhat in the future.
  20. earthquake!
    Get Ready for an Earthquake, NASA Tells L.A.There’s a 99 percent chance it’ll hit by 2018.
  21. high times
    Crazy-Making Synthetic Weed K2 Banned in NYCIt’s the dollar slice of the get-high market.
  22. American Cancer Society Overhauls Its Breast-Cancer-Screening AdviceThe organization says most women can wait until 45 to start getting annual mammograms.
  23. Death Toll Tops 2,100 After Hajj StampedeNo comment from the Saudi ruling family.
  24. still illegal
    Semiautomatic Assault Weapons Still IllegalJudges said it was a matter of public safety.
  25. shots fired
    As Louisiana Is Forced to Fund Planned Parenthood, Texas Decides to StopMore shots fired at the organization due to “heavily edited” videos.
  26. ewww
    New Yorkers Probably Hurting Rats’ Feelings With Increasing ComplaintsOn the other hand, “the Burning Man of rats” sounds like something worth complaining about.
  27. nothing is real
    Amazon Sues 1,000 Anonymous Reviewers for Allegedly Being Big Fat LiarsIf you have nothing nice to say for free, don’t say anything at all. 
  28. le mauvais temps
    French Al Roker Casts Doubt on Climate ChangeHe thinks global warming might just be good for the wine industry.
  29. who would steal a dog?
    Two-Month-Old Husky Puppy Apparently Dognapped During BurglaryThe other dogs were assaulted with pepper spray and a paintball gun by the intruder.
  30. urban vermin
    Rat vs. PigeonUbiquitous-urban-vermin smackdown.
  31. the snooze in 8 headlines
    Is It Boring to Wonder Just How Boring the Democratic Debate Will Be?Will it be the least fun thing to ever happen in Las Vegas?
  32. guns in class
    Many Professors Anxious About Legally Armed Students in Their Classrooms“The idea that our students would bring guns to our offices and classrooms was never part of the deal when we considered going into this field.”
  33. how to
    Can Your Child Be Taught to Defeat a Gunman at Her School?“The canned food item will give the students a sense of empowerment to protect themselves and will make them feel secure in case an intruder enters the classroom.”
  34. tragedy
    Long Island Doctor, Mother of 3, Found Dead After Night Out in CityA Post source says the Manhasset dermatologist used cocaine that night with a Facebook pal.
  35. The Pope Also Met With a Gay Couple During His American TourSorry, Kim Davis, the pope’s just not that into you.
  36. big hack attack
    T-Mobile Hack Spells TroubleUnlimited data — on 15 million people.
  37. the grandiose gift
    Author Lemony Snicket Will Give $1 Million to Planned ParenthoodA colossal contribution.
  38. a matter of life and death
    87-Year-Old Brooklyn Woman Declared Dead, Much to Her SurpriseWhat happens when you accidentally get on the Death Master File.
  39. the news in 9 headlines
    9 Unholy Things That Happened During the Pope’s NYC VisitRemember the Popepocalypse?
  40. times square
    Bratton Admits Defeat; Times Square Pedestrian Plazas to StaySorry, cars.
  41. election 2016
    Meet the Evangelical Pastor and Liberty University Alum Who’s Feeling the BernWhen he sees Bernie Sanders, he sees John the Baptist.