James J. Cramer

  1. Lehman’s Lessons LearnedOne year later, what the collapse of the banking colossus has taught us.
  2. The Biggest Thing Since E-mailWhy the already-soaring smart-phone market is only just beginning to take off.
  3. Thank BernankeMore than Obama, more than Geithner, more than anyone, it is the once-maligned Federal Reserve chairman who has saved us from the second Great D […]
  4. Steering Detroit StraightObama and Geithner got it right: What’s good for GM is not necessarily what’s good for America.
  5. Defending Tim GeithnerWall Street loved the new Treasury secretary but hated his bank-rescue plan. I see it just the other way around.
  6. The Obama PortfolioWhere to put your money—or some of it, anyway—in 2009.
  7. Wall Street, Fall 2009Things look grim at the moment, but where will we be a year from now? That depends on who’s president.
  8. The Great ShakeoutGood-bye, Masters of the Universe. Hello, Ron Hermance of Paramus, New Jersey.
  9. On June 30, 2009, Buy an ApartmentOur resident financial expert calls the end of the housing-market free fall—to the day.
  10. Get ShortiesAnger at short-sellers is totally understandable. But the only thing that can really stop them is a full-fledged market recovery.
  11. Last One Left, Please Turn Out the LightsWall Street is in the midst of its biggest, ugliest, worst round of layoffs in decades.
  12. The Presidential PortfolioHow to profit from the stock market no matter which candidate wins in November.
  13. The Bear Stearns BullWith the collapse of the country’s fifth-largest bank, the market hit bottom. The bear (small b) has finally been tamed.
  14. There Will Be CornHow to profit from the coming agribusiness boom.
  15. The Phony StimulusThe Bush economic plan is a $150 billion debacle. Here’s a cheaper, more effective, and longer-lasting alternative.
  16. The Future of BusinessWhat stories will dominate the financial world in 2008? Our Wall Street guru makes his predictions.
  17. Street JusticeMerrill Lynch’s Stan O’Neal and Citigroup’s Chuck Prince racked up billions in losses—and got exactly what they deserved.
  18. In Bernanke We TrustThe Fed chair came out from under Alan Greenspan’s shadow with a bold rate cut that may have prevented a recession. What’s Hank Paulson waiting for?
  19. Bloody and BloodierThe subprime-lending crisis is worse than you think, and could crush financial and real-estate markets for years.
  20. Rupert’s Eleven-Year HuntRupert Murdoch started stalking Dow Jones more than a decade ago. I know, because he and I discussed the deal. This time, he’ll get his prey.
  21. Cramer vs. Cramer“Why does everybody hate me?” The Wall Street maniac explains his critics, the market, and himself.
  22. Bank on I-BanksDon’t hate investment bankers for raking in millions. Invest in their absurdly profitable (yet still undervalued) outfits and share the wealth.
  23. Crash InsuranceLast week’s Dow collapse wasn’t really about China or a recession. It was plain old slow growth. Biotech stocks are one remedy.
  24. The Bush-proof PortfolioThe president’s foolhardy foreign policy and wanton spending have investors fleeing to foreign exchanges. It’s time to join them.
  25. Lucky 2007An equity shortage, a new M&A boom, a weak dollar, and lower interest rates point to another year of big winnings on Wall Street.
  26. Because Happy Days Aren’t Just Here Again. They’re Gonna Stick Around for a WhileThis year, the Dow Jones cleared the 12,000 bar for the first time, the Standard & Poor’s 500 climbed to five-year highs, and the city’s unemplo […]
  27. Attention, Wal-Mart ShoppersThe real problem isn’t the global megaretailer’s rapacious image. It’s the company’s flagging business fortunes.
  28. This One Goes to ThirteenFalling oil prices, a halt in interest-rate hikes, and a wave of hedge-fund buying sent the Dow above 12,000. Now they’ll take it higher.
  29. After AmaranthYes, there are out-of-control hedge-fund managers out there. But the real problems are overaggressive marketing and overeager investors.
  30. Bright SumnerSumner Redstone’s surprise ousting of Viacom CEO Tom Freston may have looked crazy. But the octogenarian media mogul’s idea may still shine.
  31. Liberal LossesYou may think you want a Democratic Congress. But if you care about your wallet, watch what you wish for.
  32. Big Good BenFed chairman Ben Bernanke is no Alan Greenspan. For a while, that looked like bad news for the economy and stock market. Not anymore.
  33. Hank Will Hammer ’EmFormer Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson is a major-league hard-ass with serious Wall Street credibility. In other words, he’s just the Treasury […]
  34. Stop the PressesThe New York Times is ditching its hallowed stock quotes and putting them online. Now they should make the whole paper digital.
  35. Sun KissedSolar-power and other alternative-energy stocks suddenly appear to have a bright future. Even W. is warming up to them.
  36. Incorrect InvestingOr, how to stop worrying and love the morally reprehensible stocks that are thriving in the business-friendly Bush era.
  37. General Motors Goes BankruptCITIGROUP MERGES WITH GOLDMAN SACHS. And other business-pages headlines we expect to see in 2006.
  38. Because a Dozen Krispy Kremes and a Few Good Stock Picks Can Make You $2 Million a YearNo. 112If you came to my old Wall Street office with a box of doughnuts and a few ideas that would make me money, I would pay you $2 million in […]
  39. UnpluggedCan the cable companies fend off the iPodization of the tube?
  40. Sell AmericanThe U.S. stock market was once the darling of global investors. Now it’s the Free World’s worst. Thank you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Greenspan.
  41. The Gold ParachuteOr, how to stop worrying and save yourself from the president’s profligate spending and stubborn insistence on no new taxes.
  42. Google Is a Steal at $280 a ShareThe search-engine giant may seem overpriced, but gun-shy analysts, afraid of hyping stocks in the Spitzer era, have actually undervalued it.
  43. Time to Switch HorsesOil’s north of $60, yet ExxonMobil’s stuck in the middle of the pack. Dump your tired old blue chips and trade them in for newer, faster ponies.
  44. Phil Purcell’s People ProblemIt wasn’t just bad management that brought down the Morgan Stanley chief. It was also the fact that no one could stand him.
  45. Rich Stocks for a StealCheap chic is out. Wealth, or the appearance of it, is in. That’s bad for Wal-Mart, good for Neiman Marcus.
  46. No Bear ThereThe market’s recent nosedive was allegedly caused by four factors. The thing is, none of them really matters.
  47. Crude MathThe coming oil boom; or, How to stop worrying and profit from sky-high—and headed higher?—prices.
  48. Mergers on the VergeWhich billion-dollar companies are about to join forces and form multi-billion-dollar companies? A 2005 M&A forecast.
  49. Future StockWal-Mart will stumble, the stock exchange will move to Chicago, major airlines will cease to exist, and other humble predictions for 2005.
  50. Howard Stern Blasted Into Outer Space.With the shock jock and Mel Karmazin onboard, Sirius, and satellite radio, got serious.
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