unlikely friends
power nesting
Sheryl Sandberg Built Herself a WaterfallYou don’t chase them; you lean into them.
new friends
it’s getting better
Obama Administration Curious About BisexualityThe White House will host its first-ever discussion of bisexual issues.
regional penis
Report: West Coast Is Chill With ForeskinCircumcision rates are plummeting on the Pacific Coast.
unusual fetishes
Is ‘Human Carpet’ the Best Fetish Ever?Some people are into stilettos; some people just want to be the carpet beneath them.
desperate apps
modesty proposals
Another Unconvincing Appeal for Female ModestyWhat’s with all these secular advocates for covering up?
Study: Call the Midwife, Not the DoctorIt’s pitocin vs. patchouli in a baby-delivery derby.
annals of publicity
Beyoncé’s Best PR Trick Yet: Chicken“I’d like to place an order for Beyonce K?”
royal babies
getting hollered at
Susan Sarandon Supports Bill de Blasio, Not VaginaThe public advocate finds supporters among Christine Quinn’s natural bases: women and lesbians.
our bodies our selfies
round table
Ex-Prisoners on Watching Orange Is the New Black“Prison is the largest stage ever. And the Oscar goes to … “
Lindsay Lohan Screened Her Oeuvre in RehabMaybe it’s like when football players watch game film.
Did Vogue Invent Marissa Mayer in Order to Profile Her?She’s like a model who gained sentience and took over Yahoo.
Kim Kardashian’s ‘Big Reveal’ Is Shockingly NormalChambray! Flats! No makeup! (Okay, maybe a little.)
too sexy for iran
messy break ups
Do Not Sleep With Someone Who Says This to YouThe worst lines people use to get out of using condoms.
Study: Love Is for the Rich Marriage is a status symbol, not a rite of passage.
North Dakota’s Pro-choice Republican Is ‘Terrified’State representative Kathy Hawken is at her wit’s end.
faces of things
Kirsten Gillibrand Killed It on The Daily Show Last NightShe warmly took on John Oliver’s surprise hardball questions.
What If Rush Limbaugh’s Imaginary Slut Pills Were Real?There’s a growing interest in the women’s health community.
How Amanda Seyfried Got Her Lovelace BodyShe just woke up and, oh my god, there it was.
Quinn Stumps Outside a Crisis Pregnancy CenterAnd reproductive-health advocate Sandra Fluke joins her.
Jennifer Aniston Joins Us in ‘Have It All’ FatigueTo be fair, we speculated about her failure to have it all on magazine covers.
teens (who run the world)
GOP Asks Women to Relinquish Household and Run for CongressDoesn’t its labor and family planning stances make it way easy?
When Do Men Feel Manly?When they’re naked and saying something vague about Freud, apparently.
How to Tell These Hillary Clinton Movie Scandals ApartHollywood is picking up the slack for the political news cycle.
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