labor pains
Zimbabwe Hospital Charges New Moms by the ScreamGiving birth there is an even bigger ripoff than in the U.S.
We Need New, Boob-Friendly SportsBreasts shouldn’t be a handicap across the board.
Wisconsin Judge Blocks Anti-Abortion LawWisconsin’s Judge William Conley says new restrictions serve “no medical purpose.”
feminist awakenings
Jason Collins, Call Your Ex-FiancéeThe gay NBA trailblazer’s long-term girlfriend tells not-all in Cosmo.
embarrassing dads
John McCain Stands Up for Dirty JokesHis weird crusade against much-needed campus-sexual-assault policy reforms.
true callings
‘Bitchy Resting Face’ Is RealYou can get plastic surgery to fix it.
life imitating art
naked men trends
Having a Baby in America Is a ‘Unique’ Rip-OffAverages $9,800 per baby, compared to $2,600 in Britain.
unlikely allies
immodest proposals
The Nineties Are Back, So How About Male Belly Rings?“One reason men may not go for it is that the belly button ring has associations not just of femininity, but of suburban girl rebellion.”
body issues
Finally, ESPN’s Body Issue Gives Us a Naked, Old Man77-year-old Gary Player “did not do anything special for the shoot.”
bikini bodies!
Rick Perry: Wendy Davis Is Proof Women Don’t Need Abortion Rights“It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example.”
Claire McCaskill Will Not Be Trolled by James TarantoThe Missouri Senator responds to Taranto’s claims of a “war on men.”
shoe reviews
having it all
Women Are the Most Powerful Celebrities and the Least Powerful WorkersAs women break Forbes’ arbitrary glass ceilings, congressional Democrats advocate raising the floor.
It’s Okay to Hate the Kickstarter ‘Rape Manual’This time, the pitchfork-wielding Internet mob is right.
saint angelina
Angelina Jolie Scores Major Victory in U.N.So she’s pretty serious about this humanitarian stuff, huh?
cryptic messages
improbably good tenants
Anna Wintour Gave Kimye Her Baby Name BlessingOkay, fine, yes, Kanye. You are the nucleus. Are you happy now?
scary girl gangs
Taylor Swift’s Fan Army Defeats Abercrombie Slut-ShamersThe store recalled a nonsensical tee about the singer’s love life.
think of the children
Childless Women Would Like Work-Life Balance Too, PleaseWhy is it so hard to leave the office for anything other than your kids’ baseball?
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