PLL Crew on How the Show Will End“As a group, we’ll make a decision on when it’s time to end, and right now it’s sounding like season seven.”
Liu on Diversity: A Closed Mouth Doesn’t Get Fed“You’re going to hear a No a lot in your life and that’s just what it is. … So you always have to ask the question.”
At NYCC, the Pretty Little Liars Talked Changes“I actually told them ‘Hanna has to move to New York and I’m only shooting my scenes in New York,’” Ashley Benson said.
vulture lists
63 Celebrities Recall Their First Concert MemoriesPeruse the memories of celebs ranging from Haim and 50 Cent to Brian Williams and Greta Gerwig.
Comedians Recall Their Fave Key & Peele SketchesFrom Nick Kroll and Ken Marino to the Lucas Bros. and David Cross.
party chats
How Mr. Robot’s Rami Malek Films His Voice-Overs“I always envisioned the voice in my head to be a female voice.”
new york comic con 2014
new york comic con 2014
new york comic con 2014
new york comic con 2014
[UPDATE] Mad Men’s Rich Sommer On Harry’s ReactionCorrection: There was a miscommunication between Rich Sommer and Vulture’s reporter.