Dec. 2, 2010
Not an Action Figure This year, Ryan Gosling and a band of similarly arty, polymathic weirdos are leading a revolt against the plastic leading man.
Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon on Recording Kanye’s Dark Fantasy “I said, ‘Oh, cool, I’ll come out to Hawaii, it sounds fun.’”
last night’s gig
Nov. 24, 2010
The Walking Dead Recap: Zombie LogicHow long can you go on a zombie series without killing off any humans?
Nov. 19, 2010
The Evolution of an Apology Since interrupting Taylor Swift at the 2009 Video Music Awards, Kanye’s apology has evolved in typically Westian fashion: epically, arrogantly, […]
Nov. 19, 2010
Demented Genius Understanding Kanye West. Or trying to, anyway.
The Walking Dead Recap: The Hand-OffOn the one hand, the episode disappoints again. On the other …
The Walking Dead Recap: Zombies 1, Humans 0This week, the zombies win, thanks to one spectacularly disgusting, fluid-splattering dissection — and some less-than-human dialogue.
vulture recommends
Nov. 5, 2010
New on Vulture Recommends: Comedy Podcasts, Zombie Movies, and More “Comedy Death Ray Radio,” “WTF With Marc Maron,” “The Nerdist,” and more.
vulture recommends
Nov. 3, 2010
The Walking Dead Recap: Less Thriller , More KillerBut the hope is that this could be the first zombie story in a long while with both serious brains and “Braiiiiinns!”
vulture recommends
Oct. 29, 2010
vulture recommends
Oct. 26, 2010
New on Vulture Recommends: Duets From Pete Yorn, Terrorism Films From Olivier Assayas, and Our Critics’ Picks! Pete Yorn’s favorite duets (Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty!) and Olivier Assayas’s favorite five films about terrorism (Running on Empty !).
vulture recommends
Oct. 21, 2010
Watch Francis Ford Coppola Talk Pot Cookies, Win the 3-Disc Apocalypse Now Blu-ray Coppola on pot cookies at the Oscars: “I’m supposed to say my lines and then I get this inspiration … “
Our Recapper and Critic Debate the Mad Men Finale “That was like one of those situations where you’ve been hoping for a sex scene between two characters and then it finally happens.”
Mad Men Finale Recap: Did Don Disappoint You?The WTF look on Peggy’s face when she stares at Don, stunned and disbelieving and disappointed? Elisabeth Moss was standing in for most of last night’s viewers.
vulture recommends
Oct. 15, 2010
This Week on Vulture Recommends: New Picks From Vampire Weekend, Ken Burns, Nicole Krauss, Jason Moran, and Our Critics Wouldn’t it be nice to have TV-doc legend Ken Burns pick the best baseball movies, or recent National Book Award nominee Nicole Krauss select the best confessionals?
The Secrets of Harry Crane, International Mad Man of Mystery What if he isn’t just a shlumpy media man, but is in fact on a mission for the CIA? It could happen!
Minnie Driver’s Excited About Conviction , Still Bummed About The Riches “I’d much rather have a noble failure than a crappy show that just got canceled.”
vulture recommends
Oct. 6, 2010
New Picks on Vulture Recommends: Ethan Hawke’s Favorite Actor Memoirs and Michael Franti’s Best New Reggae Michael Franti’s best new reggae! Ethan Hawke’s favorite actor memoirs! Anthony Rapp’s best Broadway albums! And new DVDs, viral videos, books, and music!
Mad Men Recap: Something Good, Something BadIn some way, Peggy must be attracted to the fact that Abe thinks she’s a war criminal.
Vulture Explains ‘Sad Keanu’ to Keanu “I haven’t seen them. But given the scope and scale of what can happen out there, that sounds like an all right one. It sounds conceptually funny.”
night gallery
Oct. 3, 2010
Mad Men : Our Best Reader Predictions for the Rest of the SeasonWill Joan have a baby? Will SCDP fall apart? Will Sal return to save the day?
the future
Sept. 29, 2010
Sept. 27, 2010
Vulture Exclusive: James Franco Reads ‘Howl’ As Allen Ginsberg Franco as Ginsberg: “Oh victory! Forget your underwear! We’re free!”
Sept. 20, 2010
Mad Men Recap: Sex, Soup, and Sandwiches“I would have my secretary do it, but she’s dead.”
Werner Herzog: ‘Avatar Makes Me Cringe!’ “This kind of New Age sort of thing! I’m allergic against group sessions of yoga.”
Sept. 13, 2010
Mad Men Recap: Climb Every Mountain!This is a guy who knows when a back-of-the cab blow job is just a blow job, and also when it might turn into something more.
Mad Men Recap: Best Episode Yet?Bert Cooper and Ida Blankenship share a special secret.
Mad Men Recap: Let’s Get Liberated!Well, here’s what happens if you use that neat-o iPhone Cocktail Culture app too often.
your dvd calendar
Aug. 24, 2010
Mad Men Recap: The Only Thing We Learn“A man is shamed by being openly ridiculed and rejected — it requires an audience.”
Aug. 20, 2010
Kanye West Tweets the Fall Armed with the season’s must-have album (and a new Twitter account), the rapper will be […]
your dvd calendar
Aug. 18, 2010
New DVDs: Orson! Dexter! The Next Peter Parker! Even when Richard Linklater’s films don’t click, there’s always at least one performance that makes it all worthwhile.
Mad Men Recap: You Look Swellegant!My name is Peggy Olson and I’d like to — oh, hell, I’ll try anything!
continuity errors
Aug. 12, 2010
Are Movie Studios Just Casting by Keyword? Is ‘The Expendables’ just the latest search-engine-optimized movie?
your dvd calendar
Aug. 10, 2010
The DVD Queue: Tina Fey, R. Crumb, and M-M-Max Headroom! Also out: A definitively weird portrait of once-underground comics legend R. Crumb and his deeply strange family.
Mad Men Recap: New Year, Same You“Hand jobs!” sniggers Beavis. “Yee-Haw!” screams Butt-Head.
last night’s gig
Aug. 5, 2010
your dvd calendar
Aug. 2, 2010
The DVD Queue: A Jock, a Prep, a French-Arab Gangsta, and a Piranha! One of the most perfect lines in B-movie history: “People eat fish, Grogan. Fish don’t eat people.”
Mad Men Recap: Fake It Till You Make ItA truckload of coal, jammed down your stocking by the world’s most resentful Santa.
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