Speak Truth to PowerDespite his $5 billion deficit, the mayor won’t challenge the governor to raise taxes (at least, not till after the election). Can Gifford Mille […]
The Action FigureAnnouncing his candidacy for governor last week, Andrew Cuomo pitched the themes of his campaign – and promptly stuck his foot in his mouth. Wh […]
The City in Bloom(berg)A hundred days into Michael Bloomberg’s administration, he’s followed the toughest (Rudy was definitely tough) of acts with surprising skill, pr […]
The AdjusterDennis Rivera cultivated a lefty image as head of the health-care-workers union, but with a popular Republican governor headed for a second term […]
Talking TrashNo one wants to grapple with the city’s garbage crisis, least of all the mayor, who seems willing to sacrifice schools and libraries rather than […]
Inside AgitatorsThe Working Families Party is making serious inroads into the Liberal Party base, which could have an impact on the Democrats’ chances in the up […]
Discount LabelsFrom George Pataki making nice with Dennis Rivera to Mike Bloomberg communing with Al Sharpton, the top Republicans are acting more like Democra […]
Rudy Who?Mayor Mike’s delivery may have left something to be desired, but his message came through loud and clear: Everyone needs to get real abou […]
2001: A Race OdysseyNew Yorkers went to the polls on the morning of September 11, but what began as a primary vote ended up a test of character that made winners of […]
The Good SoldierFor yielding to Hillary Clinton in the Senate race, Nita Lowey was rewarded with a key leadership role that’s thrust her onto a national stage. […]
The UntouchableIn the final weeks of the mayoral race, the Democratic leadership essentially declared Al Sharpton beyond rebuke – a stand that’s sure to haunt […]
Carpe DemsWhy did so many Democrats desert Mark Green once they were in the privacy of the voting booth? Distrust of liberal politics and worship of wealt […]
The Domino TheoryAt this point in the mayoral race, only a connect-the-dots series of events could keep Mark Green out of Gracie Mansion – but anything can happ […]
A Raw DealTeam Ferrer accuses Mark Green of playing the race card in the runoff, but that ugly game was begun by Bronx party chief Roberto Ramirez eightee […]
The Union LabelMark Green won the runoff without the support of the city’s Big Three unions, leaving both the candidate and labor in an unfamiliar posture come […]
Disappearing ActMark Green is in danger of losing because he didn’t make voters feel comfortable enough, but maybe it’s also time to admit his white-liberal con […]
Rudy’s Rules of OrderAs the mayor turned two weeks of unforgettable grace under pressure into a bald power grab, Fernando Ferrer shed ethnic politics to become democ […]
The Out-of-TownersMost politicians – including the president – know that helping New York is important for the U.S., but Senators Gramm and Nickles needed extra […]
Après Moi, le DélugeFor Giuliani, the mayoral election is all about his legacy. And who could
make him look better than Peter Vallone?
Over the RainbowTalk of a black-Latino coalition to put Fernando Ferrer in Gracie Mansion presumes an African-American voting bloc that may not, in fact, exist.
New World OrderWake up! Campaign-finance reform has made a contender of gadfly George Spitz as well as Alan Hevesi; term limits have given us the most hotly co […]
Seeing GreenWhen Randi Weingarten broke bread with her nemesis, mayoral candidate Mark Green, maybe the teachers-union head was reading the writing on the b […]
Truth and JusticeChuck Schumer has bravely introduced – gasp! – honesty into the judicial-confirmation process. John McCain warned him he’d pay for it. Just wa […]
Wealth Vs. WisdomMuch of what Michael Bloomberg has said and done – and unsaid and undone – since declaring his candidacy for mayor suggests that […]
Smart As a PistolLooking to the future, Joe Lieberman considers last November’s election debacle, and how hot-button issues like gun control will affect the next.
Endorsement TangoWith the mayoral race fully under way, the Democratic hopefuls are courting partners who can deliver votes and support. Here are the ones to watch.
Slave Trade-OffDon’t accuse Al Sharpton of grandstanding in Sudan; the anti-slavery mission was the real thing. But back at home, he can’t seem to resist hijac […]
Green No MoreEntering the race for mayor, Mark Green shows signs of growing beyond his unctuous, punch-line-drunk image and coming across as serious, thought […]
Out of Comptroller?Carl McCall has stellar endorsements and an enviable war chest. So why does his campaign for governor feel like it’s losing momentum?
Learn, Baby, LearnWe beat crime by holding precinct commanders accountable for every mugging and break-in on their watch. Now it’s time to let Mr. Chips fall wher […]
Who’s Off FirstAlan Hevesi beat the pack to declare his candidacy for mayor. But could he ever be pronounced the winner when many can’t pronounce his name?
Pol Versus PoleCongressman John Sweeney led the Republican troops in Miami last November. But when he wrecked his car a few weeks ago, he stayed way out of the […]
Dese Dems Don’t DozeKeep an eye on the Campaign for America’s Future, a liberal policy group that’s funneling anger over the election into agenda-setting Democratic […]
What’s the Big Idea?Lacking a major threat – fiscal crisis, racial disharmony, San Pellegrino drought – the mayoral wannabes struggle to define what they’re runn […]
Pardon Me?Sure, the pardons smell and the loot looks like shameless greed. But that applies as much to several other White House departures as it does to […]
Pay It ForwardThe GOP lost the election, even if it took the White House. Instead of being bitter, every liberal member of Congress should remember the man […]
Closing the BooksDaniel Patrick Moynihan brought to the Senate a scholar’s nose for historic issues, and to the academy a pol’s ear for issues of moment.
Journalism: Admirable NelsonLars-Erik Nelson never became a celebrity pundit. He appeared on television rarely. He did not speak with bombast. But the Daily News columnist […]
The Next CampaignWith Trent Lott already acting the playground bully, Mrs. Clinton is girding for the coming round of naysayers – her colleagues-to-be on the Hill.
End GamesWill Bill pull Hill across the finish line first? Will Rick spin the straw of her health-care fiasco into the gold of victory? And is there life […]
Race Against TimeHillary can barely get a rise out of the Post, and the promised heat of the final weeks of the campaign has all but fizzled. Guess who’s […]
Rick & Hillary: Who do you think they are?An exclusive new poll explores the perceptions and attitudes driving the campaign and finds that though Hillary would win hands-down on issues, […]
Professionals and PoliticosHillary gets doctors and journalists, but Rick owns the Street. Which levers New York’s professionals will pull behind the curtain.
The Soft CorpsAlmost as soon as he found the crucial issue that could make him more than “Not Hillary,” Rick Lazio’s deal with partisan supporters threatened […]
Buffalo GalThe debate may have helped put Lazio back in the race – but while pundits gave the congressman the win, regular voters seemed to finally thaw u […]
The N-WordWho went negative first? Who cares? The real problem is that both candidates are running safe, one-dimensional campaigns.
Carpe Diem, or Don’tBill Clinton and Al Gore seized their moments in L.A.; Hillary all but squandered hers. Still, what a revelation, watching it all unfold without […]
Just Say JoeSenator Lieberman on the Gore ticket may be a gift for Hillary Clinton, but some assembly is required: She still needs to work harder at buildin […]
Extra CreditWhile Mrs. Clinton is pummeled for a mysterious, 26-year-old epithet, Rick Lazio has been commandeering bills of concern to Jews – whether or n […]