Moe Tkacik

  1. q&a
    How Shareholder Capitalism Crashed a Plane (Two, Actually)Talking with the author of Flying Blind, a new book about Boeing’s deadly 737 Max.
  2. tomes of terror
    Instead of Taking Up Pilates, John Lanchester Wrote a Book About the CrisisThe author of ‘I.O.U’ talks to Moe Tkacik.
  3. white men with money
    Gasparino: ‘People Think Because I Go on TV and Scream a Lot I Don’t Have Half a Brain in My Head’Moe Tkacik talks to CNBC’s Charlie Gasparino about the crisis, the worst people on Wall Street, and his new book, ‘The Sellout.’
  4. white men with money
    Andrew Ross Sorkin’s Book Party Was Filled With CEOs, Warts and AllAnd we were there.
  5. the greatest depression
    The Financial-Crisis Lit Cheat SheetThe best bits from the flood of books recapping last year’s Wall Street meltdown.
  6. rants
    Five Things Moe Tkacik Is Sick of Hearing on CNBCSince being laid off, writer Moe Tkacik has had all the time in the world to wallow in coverage of the economic crisis. And there are a few things that are pissing her off.