Maria Menounos Gets Her Target Clothes Tailored “I’ll go to Target and I’ll get a cute shirt, and it doesn’t really fit right. So I’ll take it to a tailor and for $4 or $5 they tailor it to my body.”
la vida lohan
Sept. 14, 2011
Lindsay Lohan Continues Her Fashion Week Tear “Delete those pictures! Delete them right now!”
fashion goddesses
Sept. 7, 2011
Anna Dello Russo Thinks Kate Middleton’s Nude Panty Hose Are ‘Avant Garde’ “When she was wearing fleshy nude stockings, that’s kind of old fashioned, but on her, with a yellow dress, it was looking so avant garde.”
Susan Sarandon Secures Dead Man Walking Pal for Daughter’s Wedding Sister Helen Prejean will perform the marriage of Eva Amurri and Kyle Martino.
party lines
Sept. 11, 2010
party lines
Nov. 11, 2009
the most important people in the world
Oct. 30, 2009
Celebrities Love Halloween Just As Much As Children, Gay Dudes We asked every celebrity we’ve run into over the past few weeks what they’ll be wearing tomorrow night.
Model Gets Modest at Erin Fetherston But not everyone was afraid to bare almost all.
Padma Denies Top Chef Gender Bias “In some cases we don’t really know who made what,” she says.
party report
Sept. 11, 2009
party lines
June 17, 2009
Simon van Kempen and Albie Manzo Are E-mail Buddies The son of ‘Real Housewife’ Caroline e-mailed the ‘Real Husband’ for advice.
Temporary Closings
Apr. 10, 2009
Beatrice Inn Padlock Won’t Stop the Party Chloë Sevigny blames the shutdown on the “haters.”
party lines
Apr. 10, 2009
MTV V.J.’s Reminisce About TRL This one time, Jewel flashed everyone in the ‘TRL’ studio. And then a bunch of 13-year-olds did.
party lines
Oct. 29, 2008
Phillip Bloch: Michelle Obama Is ‘Blackie O.’ A stylist has some ideas for the potential First Lady.
party lines
Sept. 9, 2008
Nigel Barker Sees a Future Without Models Barker recently used a futuristic prototype camera with extra-long exposures to shoot couture at 2 a.m. on a beach.
party lines
Sept. 5, 2008
Male Project Runway Vets Swear by Panty Liners The most valuable lesson Jack Mackenroth and Kevin Christiana learned from last season’s ‘Project Runway’ didn’t have anything to do with speed sewing or “making it work.”