Dan Senor, better known as the husband of CNN’s Campbell Brown, is being wooed by state and national Republican leaders, such as Rudy Giuliani, to jump into the race against Kirsten Gillibrand. Though Senor is reportedly “seriously considering” running, and taking steps to make it happen, we’ve also heard that about 50 times before from other prospective candidates who eventually decided against it, and we no longer believe anything anybody says.
In fact, for someone considered to be such a weak candidate, Gillibrand has yet to attract an opponent that has even a decent shot at defeating her. But the GOP hopes Senor — a former adviser to a Michigan senator and founder of an investment firm — can appeal to the electorate as a fiscal conservative and social moderate. He has foreign-policy experience, too, but it may not be the type that plays well in New York: He was the chief spokesman for the Coalition Provisional Authority, the governing body that controlled Iraq after the 2003 invasion. We suspect most people won’t remember what the CPA was, but the Gillibrand campaign has graciously volunteered to remind them, especially the part about George W. Bush.
Another Republican Is Encouraged to Join the Race for Senate [NYT]
Gillibrand aide: Senor’s Iraq role at issue [Politico]