After canceling her Sunday-morning television appearances in light of Bill Maher’s reveal that the Delaware Senate candidate once dabbled in witchcraft and even went on a date with a witch (True Blood meets tea party!), Christine O’Donnell decided to address the rumors Sunday. At a GOP picnic in southern Delaware, O’Donnell attempted to make light of the situation.
“How many of you didn’t hang out with questionable folks in high school?” she asked, “There’s been no witchcraft since. If there was, Karl Rove would be a supporter now.”
Um, Christine, we’ll admit to a brief stint on the chess club and a weeklong fascination with the theater geeks, but neither of those decisions involved Satanic altars … or heartache (okay, maybe a little heartache).
Christine O’Donnell Jokes About Her Witchcraft Past [AP]
Um, Christine, we’ll admit to a brief stint on the chess club and a weeklong fascination with the theater geeks, but neither of those decisions involved Satanic altars … or heartache (okay, maybe a little heartache).
Christine O’Donnell Jokes About Her Witchcraft Past [AP]