It turns out that Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC (Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow) looks a lot more like an actual conservative operation than fans might suspect, at least when it comes to the staff. Politico reports that the committee’s treasurer, Salvatore Purpura, who had previously worked on campaigns for George W. Bush, John McCain, and Republican senator John Boozman, resigned last Thursday over a “potential conflict of interest.”
The problem? In paperwork filed with the Federal Election Commission on Monday, Purpura was listed as the treasurer of Rick Perry’s presidential campaign, which Colbert meddled with last weekend when he ran television ads encouraging Iowans to vote for “Rick Parry” — with an “A” for America — in the Ames Straw Poll. Colbert, for his part, doesn’t seem to have any hard feelings: “We’re not surprised. Sal is the best in the business. That’s why we went with him … We’re happy for Sal and we are even happier that Governor Parry has sent the clear signal of which super PAC he trusts to receive all that unlimited money waiting to pour in on his behalf. Loud and clear, sir. Unofficially, loud and clear.”