It’s the question on everyone’s mind in Tripoli, where Qaddafi remains at large even as it looks less and less likely that loyalists will be able to turn the tide against the rebels. The Washington Post runs down the likely hiding spots. The dictator could still be in the city. Qaddafi’s been known to hide out at the Rixos hotel. It’s a spot that has some amenities that you won’t find in your average TripFinder review, like secret tunnels and a ramp for large vehicles to descend underground. Qaddafi loves traveling by tunnel (sometimes it’s almost like he’s parodying a monomaniacal dictator for SNL), so if he’s still in the country, the Rixos is a good bet. He could also have left Tripoli for Sirte, his birthplace and one of his few strongholds remaining.
If he’s fled the country, Tunisia apparently has a record of being dictator-friendly, and Qaddafi supposedly wanted his wife and daughter to end up there. South Africa is another rumored destination; oddly enough, Nelson Mandela is friendly with Qaddafi. (Everyone’s got flaws.) We’ll add one to the Post’s list: Has anyone checked Westchester?
Moammar Gaddafi: Where is he hiding? [WaPo]