Lloyd Blankfein is a light-hearted fellow — what with his predilection for show tunes, his quippy self-deprecation, and his laissez-faire attitude toward clothing in the Goldman Sachs gym. But Jamie Dimon, Blankfein’s biggest rival in the biz, knows that underneath the happy-go-lucky facade lies a cutthroat prankster who will stop at nothing to humiliate his enemies.
Which is why upon receiving a pick-me-up call from Patriots QB Tom Brady after JPMorgan’s London Whale debacle last year, Dimon immediately assumed that his old arch nemesis was pulling his leg.
Dimon said Tom Brady, the New England Patriots football player who has passed Joe Montana for the most National Football League playoff wins by a quarterback, called to cheer him up after the loss.
“I owe him a lot,” Dimon said without specifying when the call took place. “At first I thought it was a friend of mine pulling a prank. I thought it was Lloyd Blankfein,” he said.
Right, like Lloyd would stoop to such a lame, halfhearted practical joke. When Blankfein comes for you, Mr. Dimon, you’ll know.