
Dennis Rodman Is Going to Rehab

Photo: Timothy Clary / AFP/Getty

Dennis Rodman has checked himself into rehab to treat a “long-time struggle with alcoholism,” his agent, Darren Prince, said on Saturday evening. Prince said Rodman’s troubles were exacerbated by “The pressure that was put on him to be a combination ‘super human’ political figure and ‘fixer’” during the his recent exhibition basketball game and Kim Jong-un birthday celebration in North Korea. “What was potentially a historic and monumental event turned into a nightmare for everyone concerned. Dennis Rodman came back from North Korea in pretty rough shape emotionally,” Prince explained. The news isn’t much of a surprise, since drunkenness was the excuse Rodman gave for his on-air outburst about Kenneth Bae, the American missionary currently being held in a North Korean prison.

Prince also addressed the Bae situation specifically: “[Dennis] is embarrassed, saddened and remorseful for the anger and hurt his words have caused.”

There’s no word on where exactly Rodman is staying, but his agent would like you to remember what’s important here: “People forget Dennis is just an entertainer and retired NBA star. The fact remains that a basketball game was played in North Korea live in front of 14,000 people and hundreds of millions around the world viewed clips of the game.” Now if they could just deal with that Bad Ass Premium Vodka Rodman’s stamped his name on.

Dennis Rodman Is Going to Rehab