The New York Post can rest easy, having saved New York City from another moral plight at the hands of an unclean woman. Lis Smith, a spokesperson for the De Blasio campaign and transition team, was the subject of an all-out, slut-shaming tabloid blitz following the EXCLUSIVE, earth-shattering bombshell that she’s dating her old boss Eliot Spitzer, who’s getting a divorce. Capital New York confirmed today that she will not be working at City Hall.
Smith, who spent her tabloid hell week on vacation, was only on contract with De Blasio through the inauguration, and will return to her work as a political consultant. “She did exemplary work and we are grateful for the support she provided,” said Mayor De Blasio’s chief of staff.
So the administration has not lost all credibility, in the pure eyes of the Post, just yet. Give it time.