
U.S. Flies First Planeload of Mothers and Children Back to Honduras

Photo: ORLANDO SIERRA/AFP/Getty Images

As U.S. lawmakers continue to squabble over what should be done about the “urgent humanitarian situation” at the border, the first group of undocumented immigrants was flown back to Honduras from a U.S. detention facility in New Mexico. The 18 mothers, 13 girls, and nine boys were met at the airport in San Pedro Sula by Honduran First Lady Ana García de Hernández and given food, medical screenings, and money — though one woman said it wasn’t enough cover her trip home. “This is just the initial wave,” the Department of Homeland Security said in a statement. “We expect additional adults with children will be returned to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador soon, based on the results of removal proceedings or expedited removal.” More than 57,000 unaccompanied minors have entered the country since October, so it’s still going to be a long, long process. 

U.S. Flies First Moms, Children Back to Honduras