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At Last, a Federal Wiretapping Probe We Can All Enjoy
- "What am I supposed to do, Bernie? Watch him f--- her every night? What am I supposed to do? I can go on the boat. I'll put the f-----g thing on myself." [NYDN]
- Hell hath no fury, Jeanine hath no future. [NYT]
- We can all take lessons from the Pirro probe. For instance, how do I bug my dirtbag spouse and avoid prison? [NYT]
- Sweatin' to the oldies: Al Pirro's greatest hits. [NYDN]
- Always the smooth operator, Bernie Kerik cut a plea to get out of Pirro investigation. [NYS]
- Rudy: No one deserves criticism for terrorism screwups. Not Bill Clinton, not George Bush. I'm Rudy Giuliani, and I approve this message. [AP]
- Hillary's Senate challenger becomes the first person no one cares about to enter Clinton-Fox terror spat. [Newsday]
- While scandal-scarred Hevesi looks for the off ramp, his opponent can't find his car keys. (In other news, we're running low on driving metaphors.) [NYT]
- Voters to City Council members: Leave your job. [NYP]
- We have to look upstate for competitive races. Here, a good, well-meaning person takes on a corrupt, venal person in House bid. [Albany Times Union]
The GOP will not be bringing its big-big show back to New York.