2:25 PM
Attack of the Day
Endorsements and Takebacks
The November issue of Esquire comes with a slate of political endorsements for every race in the country. In New York, they're helpful and astute: Eliot Spitzer for Governor, Hillary Clinton for Senate, centrist incumbent Republican Sue Kelly in the Nineteenth, qualified underdog Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand in the Twentieth. All sound choices. That is, until you scroll your way down to a contest tucked away in the sleepy Buffalo area.
Beneath the strike-through portion on the Website is this change of heart:
You know what? In the wake of the Foley Scandal there's no way in hell we can endorse a man who bravely stepped before the microphones to say he didn't know anything about anything, and managed to surround himself with children to do it. What a dirtball. Esquire now endorses: Davis
Early and Often will offer its endorsements on Wednesday, November 8.
Endorsements 2006: New York [Esquire]
Reynolds Cowers Behind Innocent Children [Early and Often]