11/ 9/06
9:45 AM
- Bush to Schumer: "I wish you were on my team." [NYT]
- The AP calls it for Webb, Dems ransack Senate. [WP]
- Get Along Gates replaces rude-boy Rumsfeld. [NYT]
- A "thumping"? We heard it was a "thumpin'" [LAT]
- "Stay the course" hits a brick wall named Nancy. [Star Ledger)
- Pelosi gets mega coked up for "100 hours" agenda. [Financial Times]
- News alert: Hillary will announce surprise presidential run sometime pretty soon. You heard it here first. [NYP]
- But for now it's Mumsville on '08. [Rochester Democrat and Chronicle]
- Hillary nuh-uhs possible role as Senate majority leader. [NYT]
- Schumer and Hillary try on togas as Empire State looks more and more imperial in new political reality. [NYT]
- Vilsack 08! (Readers, please note, getting your vilsack checked regularly can help prevent certain forms of cancer) [Des Moines Register]
- A few more women, but House still pretty much haven for gross, fat, senile, old white guys. [WP]
- Walsh, Kelly, Massa won't let the dream die. [amNY]
- Lieberman owes the GOP big. [NYDN]
- Spitzer serving up the waffles for Hevesi. [Newsday]