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11/ 7/06

9:55 AM


Elect Stuff!

  • Democrats: They're baaaaack. [NYDN]
  • Hillary, human ATM. [NYT]
  • As Indiana goes, so goes the nation. [Buffalo News]
  • Misleading "Robo calls" freak out apathetic loners with short attention spans. [NYT]
  • For the Dems, if it's not a landslide, it's a failure. [NYT]
  • Voting hip! [NYP]
  • Lieberman and Lamont and Menendez and Kean go bonkers campaigning. Spitzer, not so much. [NYT]
  • Faso and Callaghan pity party in Albany. [Newsday]
  • Clinton and Pataki hold contest to see who can visit more depressing upstate towns in one day. [Albany Times Union]
  • Working Families Party harnesses the celebrity power of Pete Seeger to get out the vote. [NYS]
  • Cuomo slobber rudes out Hillary. [NYP]
  • Pirro, still slugging. [NYDN]