We have always had a soft spot for Voice political columnist Wayne Barrett and Mets broadcaster Keith Hernandez. After decades in the business, Barrett is still shocked that there are shenanigans going on in Albany; this we find endearing and noble. Hernandez is often the best part of watching desultory Mets games with his sardonic wit and tendency to actually critique baseball players, something you won’t find in a Yankees booth. So it pains us to learn that they are fighting. It seems Barrett has taken offense to Keith’s right-wing tendencies and has come up with a hilarious — if not completely convincing — list of Keith’s crimes against humanity. They include not knowing that yesterday was Earth Day and donating to the Giuliani campaign. Barrett rails, “It’s Hernandez’s drivel that doesn’t belong on a Mets telecast. He’s entitled to his far right wing views, and his political donations certainly indicate where his head is, but some of us turn a Mets game on to escape the Party of Hell No!” Sounds like these two need to have a fine lager somewhere on Queens Boulevard. Omar?