A couple of caveats to the data on the post-trade Knicks presented over at KnickerBlogger: Presumably, the Knicks will get better as they play more games together, and starter Chauncey Billups missed five of the twelve games since the trade, affecting not only the numbers but that whole “learning to play together” business. But the numbers pretty much support the conventional wisdom in the wake of two straight losses to Indiana: Since the trade, the Knicks’ offense has been plenty productive (it ranks first in offensive efficiency), while the defense has generally been plenty problematic (it ranks 30th in defensive efficiency). The blog sums it all up thusly: “As Mike D’Antoni has modified his beloved SSOL scheme, the Knicks have turned — ironically — into a parody of a Mike D’Antoni team: all O, no D.” [KnickerBlogger]
The Post-Trade Knicks, in Statistical Form
Photo: Ronald Martinez/2011 Getty Images