brooklyn nets

‘Introducing’ Your Brooklyn Dance Team Outfits

We missed this yesterday, but we had to make sure it didn’t escape your attention. Yesterday, the Brooklyn Nets unofficially (they’d shown a few versions before) unveiled their outfits for the “Brooklynettes” — we absolutely adore that name; we wish there were another dance team in sports that was just the regular team’s name all smushed — and they went all “In Living Color” on us. They’re sort of terrifying, but honestly, all dance team outfits are sort of terrifying. (We always want to put a towel over them; does your mother know you’re out dressed like this? We also can’t get over the quote from the designer: “This isn’t palm trees and sunshine. It’s New York City, and it’s Brooklyn. It’s a different sensibility. We go hard.” Dance hard, people. Dance hard.

‘Introducing’ Your Brooklyn Dance Team Outfits