Sheena Humphrey, Developmental Aide
What brought you out tonight?
Mary J. I was going through a very bad breakup, and listening to Mary is what got me through. She was like, you can get over being depressed, you don’t need a man to make you happy.
Are you still single?
Yep! Oh yeah. I’ve been single a whole year now, and I love it. I have a beautiful 3-year-old son and that’s my man.
Who did you come with tonight?
My sisters and a friend of mine, because everybody does love Mary J. To see her feeling good about life, it’s just like, oh yes. There is a reason to live.
Danielle Corcione and Matt Melnikoff, Social Worker and Mortgage Broker
Are you guys a couple?
DANIELLE: Oh my God, no! Matt and I are just friends. He works with my husband. But Matt totally has a better sense of style than my husband does.
Tell me about these outfits.
DANIELLE: Well, I always dress like this. It’s not, like, special for the show or anything. Mostly I wear stuff that’s cheap and stuff that doesn’t match, but I do that on purpose.
MATT: I don’t really get to wear the urban gear to the office. I mean, I’m usually in suits.
DANIELLE: Suits and Ferragamos. That’s what they all wear to work.
Ebony Damon, Kitchen Supply Shop Manager
Nice boots.
I’m wearing them for Mary! I actually saw them in Harlem and they were sold out, so I traveled to Queens to get them. But they are specifically for her.
Max Barbaria, Music Producer
Are you a big Jay-Z fan?
I’ve been listening to him since I was 6. I grew up in the Hamptons, so I’ve seen Jay-Z and Puffy, and seriously, who am I going to think is cooler?
Kevin Dowling, Engineer
Do you always dress like this?
I’m a showboat guy. I go by how other people look at me. I think this is good because I just knocked you off your feet.
Jamel and Jermain Jones
Who’s older?
JAMEL: See? You can’t tell. And if you can’t tell, we’re not telling.
Christina Incontro, Amanda Bollini, and Lauren Comoletti, Students
Where are you guys from?
LAUREN: Staten Island.
How’s that?
It’s kind of like Manhattan, but not cool.