How to Dominate the Highway
According to 30-year truck driver Bob Wonsick, who spends eleven hours a day hauling up and down the East Coast.
1. Pack like a survivalist.
“Think about what you’d need in the event you were stuck in your car for 24 to 36 hours.” That’s frozen bottles of water, nonperishable snacks, and duct tape (“It fixes everything”).
2. Duplicate your keys.
“Invest the $5. Then place them inside a magnetic hide-a-key in a safe place outside of your vehicle.”
3. Dress for bed.
“I like to kick my shoes off and recline. Think about what you wear to sleep in—unless you sleep naked. Bring the clothes you want to be seen in along with you, and change upon arrival.”
4. Power nap.
“If you don’t get enough rest prior to leaving, stop along the way. Highway rest areas are typically patrolled by law enforcement, but a well-lit, 24-hour Walmart parking lot is also popular.”
5. Be a shower snob.
“Pilot Travel Centers set the standard for truck stops. For $10, you get access to a Holiday Inn–style bathroom, complete with shower, sink, toilet, towel, soap, and washcloth. Or … there’s always baby wipes.”