After dropping twenty chairs on the streets of New York in early 2010, John Christakos and the other founders of Blu Dot furniture company wondered what they could ever do to top themselves. The answer became the Blu Dot Swap Meet, now in its second year, where would-be customers who are low on cash and high on quirky talents can offer up goods and services in exchange for a piece of Blu Dot’s minimalist, contemporary pieces. “Bartering was always a part of Blu Dot early on. Anybody we could convince to trade their services for furniture, we would do that,” explains Christakos. “Our original [graphic] identity was designed in exchange for us designing and building a tree house for our friend who’s a designer, for his son.” Photo: Courtesy of Blu Dot
The whole swap meet is based on the honor system, and they have had a few “swap fails.” “One was a college kegger,” says Christakos. “Some kids from Illinois said they’d drive up and throw a keg party in Blu Dot’s offices. So we accepted that one, but then they never kind of followed through, so we just held the kegger ourselves.” Photo: Courtesy of Blu Dot
Once the guys actually receive the items, they’ll follow up with the agreed-upon furniture. Each of these items”a model motorcycle made out of 9,000 Popsicle sticks and a wind, rain, and thunder piece by the artist Kirk McCall”was swapped for one of Blu Dot’s Paramount sofas, below. Photo: Courtesy of Blu Dot
LinYee Yuan from Lonestar Empire served barbecue brisket to Blu Dot employees and passersby outside their Soho store in exchange for another Paramount sofa, a literal “swap meat.” Photo: Courtesy of Blu Dot