neighborhood watch

Christmas Trees Look Good in Chelsea, Struggle in the Slope

Chelsea: The Hotel Chelsea gets festive in the lobby. Or at least more so than the Allerton. [Living With Legends]
Coney Island: So which is worse, Thor Equities or Forest City Ratner? [Gowanus Lounge]
Flatbush: With Yvette Clarke on her way to Washington, the fiasco to fill her City Council seat begins. [Daily Gotham]
Flatiron: No more feeling inferior to every other area of Manhattan with an H&M. But we’ll miss Daffy’s. [Metroblogging NYC]
Park Slope: This place has questionable Christmas trees, at best. [Brooklynian via Daily Heights]
Sunset Park: How long will one man’s fight against litter last? [Cloud Starchaser via Sunset Parker]

Christmas Trees Look Good in Chelsea, Struggle in the Slope