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In 2030, It’ll Be Neil and Lisa’s World; We’ll Just Live In It


In the future, according to the Website, we’ll all be multiethnic kids in matching sweaters frolicking in a Brooklyn park.Image:

In the two days since Bloomberg unveiled his ambitious vision for the New York of 2030 — frolicking in the Hudson! emissions-free sidewalks! 40 acres and a bagel! — the populace has been galvanized by the initiative, called PlaNYC, judging by the feedback on the promotional website. Or, a least, you know, two New Yorkers have. Here’s the feedback — all the feedback — to date:

Neil (Boerum Hill) Seems wasteful to use pure water from upstate reservoirs to spray down a sidewalk or clean a car. Homeowners can cheaply capture and tank run-off from their own property. Perhaps the city can eventually require this.

Lisa, age 33 (Park Slope) It’s embarrassing that we live in a city surrounded by water but have very little access to it. If waterfront development is going to take place, require those companies to provide working docks and public access to all.

Oh, you think you’re fooling us saying Park Slope instead of Boerum Hill, Neil? (Try “Queens” next time.) But congratulations to you and Lisa! You’re like the couple left standing at the end of Brave New World. Go on, remake society in your image. We await your Birkenstock-shod Utopia.


Earlier: Bloomberg’s Agenda Anything But Lame Duck

In 2030, It’ll Be Neil and Lisa’s World; We’ll Just Live In It