20-person poll

President Hillary?

Today’s Post insists — more than anyone else has yet insisted — that Hillary Clinton has really, genuinely, honest-to-goodness decided to run for president. Which means it’s time for another 20-Person Poll. New York’s interrogating interns hit Madison Avenue this afternoon, and they asked twenty registered Democrats who’d get their vote in a presidential primary. Here in her home state, things are looking good for our junior senator — unless, that is, a certain melting pot from Illinois decides to run.

Matchup No. 1: Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama
Clinton: 6; Obama: 14

Matchup No. 2: Hillary Clinton vs. Al Gore
Clinton: 10; Gore: 10

Matchup No. 3: Hillary Clinton vs. John Edwards
Clinton: 13; Edwards: 7

Matchup No. 4: Hillary Clinton vs. John Kerry
Clinton: 15; Kerry: 5

’I’m Going to Go for This’ [NYP]
Earlier: President Mike?

President Hillary?