Clinton Hill: What the hell is this Legos-meets-Mondrian thing that’s sprouted up on Reuben north of Myrtle? [Clinton Hill Blog]
East Village: Apparently only the “big” L-stations get those train arrival-time signs. So much for Third Avenue. [CitySpecific]
Flatbush: Seems like this ain’t the only Brooklyn hood the city has failed to provide with those free, slickly packaged condoms. [Flatbush Gardener via Gowanus Lounge]
Harlem: If only Bagel in Harlem had stuck it out another month or so. She could have picked up H&H bagels at the Saurin Park Café. [Harlem Fur]
Maspeth: A local weekly’s coverage of the endangered St. Saviour’s has got readers accusing it of bias and conflicts of interest. [Queens Crap]
West Village: Sure, it’s in a gorgeous Bing & Bing building, has its own terrace, and was featured in a design mag. But (gulp) … $2 million for a studio?? [Curbed]