• Unnamed event honoring Lou Reed. W Union Square, 201 Park Ave. S., nr. 17th St., 7 p.m. That’s not some postmodern title; this event does not seem to have a name. Bono, David Bowie, Steve Kroft, and others are scheduled to attend. You know what they say — not a lot of people bought Velvet Underground records, but everyone who did started a band and/or television newsmagazine.
• Chanel dinner for Tribeca Film Festival. Bowery Hotel, 355 Bowery, nr. 4th St., 8 p.m. Expected guests include Robert De Niro, Chelsea Clinton, Christo and Jean Claude, Jane Rosenthal, Elizabeth Banks, Edie Falco, and many others … who apparently care nothing about Lou Reed. For shame, Elizabeth Banks — it’s his night, not yours!
• Garden of Eden premiere. Tribeca Performing Arts Center, 199 Chambers St., nr. Greenwich St., 8 p.m. Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio will be on hand to support the directorial debut of main brah Kevin Connelly, erstwhile Entourage star. Do you think they even call each other “bro” and “brah,” or do they have some sort of entirely idiosyncratic communication system based on knowledge of top-flight Champagne?
Or check out our Agenda listings for tonight, selected by New York’s culture editors.