Brooklyn Heights: The elevators at the Clark Street subway stop have broken down 400 times over the past two years, trapping riders inside more than twenty times. [NYS]
Clinton Hill: There’s a vacant lot for sale on Greene and Grand. Please don’t do something awful with it. [Clinton Hill Blog
Downtown Brooklyn: Dumbo realty mogul David Walentas’s new condos at the old McKim, Meade & White–designed 110 Livingston are 85 percent sold. [Brownstoner]
Dumbo: French artist Space Invader has managed to slip at least two of his mosaics on the Brooklyn Bridge and elsewhere. [Dumbo NYC]
Lower East Side: What you missed at the East Side Bike Polo invitational over the weekend. [Razor Apple]
Nolita: For a little while longer at 11 Spring Street, you can still see the art on the interior walls. [Just Another White Guy via Curbed]
Prospect Heights: According to this breakdown, parts of the Atlantic Yards project will not be fully built until today’s newborns are already in college. [Atlantic Yards Report]