• Darna Center quiz night. Gramercy Park Hotel, 2 Lexington Ave., nr. 21st St., 7 p.m. Oscar de la Renta hosts; scheduled guests include Rachel Weisz, Sienna Miller, Petra Nemcova, Minnie Driver, Milla Jovovich, and Harvey Weinstein. The Darna Center is a provider of children’s services in Tangier, and the gimmick of the fund-raiser is that the winners of the twelve-team trivia competition get a weeklong Tangier luxury vacation. Let’s hope some sort of magical madcap trivia-prize switcheroo occurs and a team of scruffy twentysomething regulars at the Baggott Inn’s trivia night spend the week in Tangier while a gaggle of swells in Darna Center fund-raiser eveningwear stare forlornly at their prize bucket of free Rheingolds.
• Children’s Health Fund 20th Anniversary Gala. The Hilton, 1335 Sixth Ave., nr. 53rd St., 7 p.m. Expected guests include Paul Simon, J.Lo and Marc Anthony, Ray Kelly, and David Dinkins. Everyone knows J.Lo and Marc Anthony’s sensational superstar romance is red-hot. But is it so hot that it presents a threat to public safety? That’s what Ray Kelly is on hand to find out.
Or check out our Agenda listings for tonight, selected by New York’s culture editors.