
‘Simpsons’ Discriminates Against the Bespectacled (and We’re Okay With That)


Image: (glasses:, though not quite
our frames)

Okay, yeah, this is cool. Our friends at Vulture notified us that on the promotional site for the coming-soon Simpsons movie, you can create your own Simpsons character. We share Vulture’s frustration that there’s no option for eyeglasses, rendering it impossible to create our own Simpsons likeness. But, still, we just managed to kill twenty minutes with thing. Go. Have fun. Just be sure to put in your contacts.

Build Your Own ‘Simpsons’ Character [Vulture]
Simpsons Movie [Official site]

‘Simpsons’ Discriminates Against the Bespectacled (and We’re Okay With That)