
‘Harper’s Bazaar’ Is Large, It Contains Multitudes


It’s hard to be a woman (well, we’re told), subject to the whims of fashion mags and their demanding editors. But this month it seems the ladies of Harper’s Bazaar are maliciously toying with their readers. First, on page 83, the magazine recommends the “Smart Shopping” tip of a Diane Von Furstenberg military-style coat, complete with double buttons and epaulets, depicted in a stylish red and available at Saks for a mere $575. Then, on pages 96–97, a “Buy, Keep, Store” guide — instructing readers on “what to run out and buy, what’s still right to wear, and what you can ignore — for now” puts in the “store” category those very same “military styles.” Why? (“Epaulets are too severe for fall’s soft shoulders.”) What’s an attentive reader to think? Why in one place does Bazaar hate epaulets but in another recommend DVF’s version? We’ve got no idea. And we’re sure the issue’s Von Furstenberg profile is a mere coincidence.

‘Harper’s Bazaar’ Is Large, It Contains Multitudes