• Oh, boy. We know this isn’t Gotham-specific, but Attorney General Albert Gonzales, after months of pressure to resign in the face of possible perjury charges, has finally done so. Adios, Bushito (as they used to call him Texas). [Newsday]
• Darren Dopp, Spitzer’s bad-boy communications guru, is back at work after a 34-day suspension, though he’ll likely return to his old post just until he can be placed somewhere less conspicuous. [NYT]
• Hm, looks like there was a blueprint in place after all, dating back two years, for fighting a fire in the Deutsche Bank building — but the force kinda ignored it. Oops. [NYP]
• The MTA should have waited to see if congestion pricing would go through before it announced that it would extract an added $300 million next year from commuters in fares and tolls, scolds the state controller. Hey, yeah, we agree! [NYDN]
• And saving the scariest news for last: Thousands of new students at Columbia, NYU, and other schools flooded into Manhattan this weekend, availing themselves not of dowdy, name-tag mixers but free Circle Line cruises and on-campus manicures and aromatherapy. Our dread is most succinctly expressed by this 31-year Village resident: “Oh my God, they’re back.” [NYS]