• Two firefighters died Saturday in a blaze in the abandoned Deutsche Bank building adjacent to ground zero. The pair “walked into a horror show,” as Spitzer put it, when they met a maze of protective polyurethane sheets that may have made the fire harder to fight. [amNY]
• And now lower-Manhattan residents are concerned that near the fire site is once again not safe to breathe. The EPA says it’s fine, but somehow no one’s quite buying that this time. [NYDN]
• Has Bloomberg’s stricter noise code made the city quieter? Not at 311, where the phones have been ringing off the hook. Most complaints are about construction work, and it seems those pesky Mr. Softee men have gotten the message — ice-cream trucks have slipped to fourth place on the complaint charts. [NYP]
• Garbage, garbage everywhere: Some 2,515 tickets have been issued in the last year for illegally dumping commercial or residential trash in city litter baskets. The City Council is set to double the fine for that offense. [NYS]
• And Brooklyn kennels are turning away dogs and in some cases closing their doors because of an outbreak of “kennel cough,” an airborne disease that affects the respiratory system. The epicenter is Park Slope, which must mean something. [NYP]