• Spitzer on testifying under oath about his noninvolvement in the Joe Bruno surveillance: “I’m happy to, going to, look forward to it.” Anything else? “I’d love to.” [NYP]
• Rudy Giuliani unveiled his universal-health-care plan. What do you know, it somehow involves a tax cut. [NYDN]
• Leslie Hill, a Bancroft who opposed selling Dow Jones to Rupert Murdoch, resigned as a company director minutes after the deal was sealed late Tuesday. [WSJ]
• A New Jersey Superior Court judge angrily instructed ex-governor Jim McGreevey and his wife, Dina Matos, to settle their divorce case: “You folks do not have the money it’s going to take to try this case.” [amNY]
• And Mayor Bloomberg, who made his straphanging a big PR point during elections, still takes the subway to work. How does he get to the subway? In a fleet of SUVs. [NYT]