neighborhood watch

Social Unrest on G Platform

Greenpoint: Long waits for the G train are breeding angry calls for socialized medicine. Plus, who impaled these poor tomatoes? [Newyorkshitty]
Downtown Brooklyn: A bunch of Morgan Stanley employees were caught on camera cornholing in Cadman Plaza Park yesterday. [McBrooklyn]
Dumbo: Yep, Dave Walentas — and a few other big local developers — went down in the dunk tank last night at a fund-raiser to preserve the hood’s brick streets. [Brownstoner]
Harlem: Columbia has bought a site to build new homes for people its expansion will displace, but the folks in question weren’t consulted beforehand. [Columbia Spectator]
Prospect Heights: The hood may get landmark status, which some locals hope will protect against the ripple effects of the massive ongoing Atlantic Yards development. [Atlantic Yards Report]
Washington Heights: Police broke up a coke ring run out of a deli. God, imagine snorting blow with a slice of rolled-up salami… [NYS]
Williamsburg: The city wants to kick out La Marqueta’s food vendors to make room for affordable housing, but locals doubt they’ll benefit from the new units. [amNY]

Social Unrest on G Platform