• Did David Souter really weep when the Supreme Court handed down Bush v. Gore? Or is Jeffrey Toobin nothing but a big bad liar? [Above the Law]
• Big Law partner to summer associate: “Now the reason I’m giving this project to you, and not my secretary, or say, a monkey, is my secretary is busy doing much more important things, and I don’t have a monkey.” [Urban Agora via Above the Law]
• Jack Bauer, law professor? Georgetown plans to offer a course in The Law of 24. [Above the Law]
• A robber with a fake gun apparently tried to break into Warren Buffett’s Omaha home, the one he bought in 1958 for $31,500. Too bad Buffett’s security detail, whom he presumably pays slightly more, wasn’t on hand to chase off the thief. [KETV via DealBreaker]
• Will Congress start taxing private equity just because of Steve Schwarzman’s birthday bash? One senator admitted the whole issue was sparked by the “extravagant lifestyle of one man” — presumably the one who dines on $40 crab legs. [NYP]
• A couple lawyers started running slip-and-fall style ads to recruit clients who lost big in the Bear Stearns hedge-fund collapse. Something tells us anyone who can afford a hedge fund can probably afford a good lawyer — unless, that is, his savings was wiped out. [DealBreaker]
• Rupert Murdoch got a $3.6 million raise from News Corporation, but his salary still trails that of company president Peter Chernin by $2 million. The Rupe also got free use of the corporate jet, which he claims is necessary “for safety reasons.” [DealBook/NYT, Mixed Media/Portfolio]
• Simon & Schuster named Carolyn Reidy as the new CEO, taking the place of Jack Romanos, who’s retiring after four years in the top slot. [NYP]
• Tom Meaney will step down next Tuesday as books editor at the New York Sun. Apparently a Ph.D. at Columbia looked more attractive than serving as elegant attaché to a daily conservative rag. [Media Mob/NYO]
• Will Proenza Schouler team up with Nike? [Fashionista]
• NRDC buys Peter Som — are bigger moves in the making? [WWD]
• Alexander McQueen has a new collaboration with MAC Cosmetics, based on the look of his last show. [British Vogue]