So earlier Gawker followed up on our post about William Unroch, the lawyer who’s representing 23-year-old Maximilia Cordero against alleged underage-model sexer Jeffrey Epstein, and discovered that in addition to his Website, William has a fantastic blog, on which he talks about his two girlfriends — “wifey 2 who is 18 almost 19 requires lots of attention” and “wifey 1 who is 23 only requires money” ahem — and basically flamboyantly exhibits the fact that he has no credibility whatsoever. But he’s super entertaining! And so, to end the day, we’ll leave you with one of William Unroch’s Deep Thoughts.
Met 17 year old supermodel Laura in Riverside Park. She was incredibly awesome. I felt like Charlie Brown the first time he actually met the great pumpkin. This kid was more together in her little pinky than all the jewish housewifes in Long Island and maybe even Queens put together in one smoldering lump of dirty doo doo.
True that. Wait, huh?
William Unroch’s Blog
Earlier: William Unroch Should Totally Be on America’s Next Top Model