It’s not that I and women like me don’t care about the plight of little Sean Preston and Jayden James. We do. Obsessively so. And we’re relieved that the unlikely dad of the year, K-Fed, has primary custody. Nevertheless, every time that our girl Brit cluelessly tries to whitestrip her toddler’s teeth instead of brushing them or runs a red light with the court-appointed monitor and her two sons all strapped in her car, working moms across the continent can set back our own personal guilt-meters about our mothering skills.
Really, Bonnie? You and “women like you” feel this way? Okay then, mothers of America, please raise your hand if you see celebrity mothers as “guilt-evaporators”; or if it has ever once occurred to you to “pat yourself on the back” for not being as bad a mom as Britney Spears. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Oops! Brit Did It Again! (Made Moms Feel Awesome, That Is) [HuffPo]