• OMG, plagiarism in The New Yorker’s cartoon issue? [Gelf]
• Washington Post chief Don Graham has 300 Facebook friends. Poke away! [Washingtonian]
• Fox 9’s license is up for renewal, and a bunch of incensed New Jerseyans are fighting the station for failing to live up to its Jersey-side obligations. After all, the channel is based out of Secaucus but bills itself as “My9 New York.” [NYT]
• A communications expert gives Steve Schwarzman some advice on winning over the public: “He should be a part of that debate in Davos, in Washington, in tons of conferences. I’d tell him, you can be a force for good.” Too bad a recent analysis puts Blackstone at more twice the value of archrival KKR. No wonder Schwarzman stayed silent so long — it’s not like he needs help. [Deal Journal/WSJ]
• Can UBS’ investment arm really worth be less than zero? Some rather simple mathematics puts the i-bank unit at negative 22 billion Swiss francs, courtesy of the credit crunch. [Deal Journal/WSJ]
• Bear Stearns announced plans to cut another 650 jobs, targeted mostly in the fixed-income division. The bank has already cut around 1,500 jobs since August, totaling nearly 10 percent of Bear’s staff. [DealBook/NYT]
• Eric Krautheimer, the Sullivan & Cromwell partner who told Aaron Charney to bend over and pick up a piece of paper, is headed out west. And he just passed the California bar exam. Congrats, asshole! [Above the Law]
• A new survey shows women in the law advance at about the same rate as men but still somehow end up earning less. []
• When it comes to salaries (and jobs), Thacher Proffitt giveth, and Thacher Profitt taketh away. [Above the Law]
• Annette de la Renta, wife of Oscar, is surprisingly saddened by the arrest of her foe, Anthony Marshall. [WWD]
• Cory Kennedy, whom we are constantly pressured to care about, is the new face of Urban Decay (the makeup brand, not the concept. But both would work). [Fashionista]
• In London, longtime Labour Party supporter Vivienne Westwood is switching to Conservative. [British Vogue]