Now, we love the Huffington Post and its fearless leader Arianna. But we’re not so sure what we think about her newest venture, the “comedy” site (It’s called 23/6 instead of 24/7, get it? Funny already!) We perused the front page and culled some of the moments from the site’s first day that made us wonder whether it is, technically, humorous…
• An article on Michael Mukasey includes a joke about waterboarding the pope. (Okay, that’s a little funny.)
• In their new feature “Dickipedia” (yes, that’s a Wikipedia knockoff for people who are Dicks), they profile Pervez Musharraf: “In the weeks since the agreement, Musharraf and Bhutto have publicly feuded and traded accusations — a relationship not unlike Britney and K-Fed, only with the added possibility [of] a nuclear holocaust.”
• Related: Here’s one of the bullets in their “News Odds column: “Pakistan’s ex-prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, makes the best of her house arrest in Islamabad by asking her inner circle over for a pulse-pounding game of Halo 3: 11-4.”
• In a pretend IM conversation between Rudy Giuliani and Pat Robertson, Robertson asks Giuliani, “Nobody to abort right now?” and accuses him of being high. Later, a mock Hillary Web page talks about abortions with safety scissors.
• In a post about Romney courting gay voters, a photo caption reads: “Attention gays: Mitt Romney wants your hair gel recommendations, not your vote.”
Funny? Not funny? Can someone help us? In their endless coverage of Pakistan, they did manage to get a “Pervez” joke in there, which is something we’ve been trying to do for years.
Some of the News, Most of the Time []