company town

The Union Club Is Like an Adult Frat, But Not in a Fun, ‘Old-School’ Way

• Yesterday at the Union Club, reporters specifically invited by the Manhattan Institute to hear Mayor Bloomberg and Jeb Bush speak were instructed to leave the room before the speeches began. “The police are right outside,” one club worker told them. “If you don’t leave, we’re going to call them in.” You have to wonder if this was merely an administrative fumble, or the old-guy version of that frat-party game where dudes invite fat chicks to parties so they can make fun of them. [NYS, NYO]
• However! The Manhattan Institute has since apologized to the press for the Union Club’s behavior, and they put Bush’s remarks online. It’s only audio, though, we wonder why? We can only assume it’s because at the Union Club, all speeches are done naked. [Manhattan Institute via NYO]
• Janice Min: “It’s off-putting when a junior employee tells you they want to be editor in chief.” Instead, just try to make yourself indispensable: “I was the easy solution. Make yourself the easy solution.” Or just make yourself easy. [WWD]

• With John Thain taking the reins at Merrill Lynch, the Goldman frat now controls even more of the world. Previous alums include current Treasury secretary Henry Paulson, former Treasury secretary and current Citi chairman Robert Rubin, White House chief of staff Josh Bolten, and New Jersey governor Jon Corzine, the only bearded politician holding high office in the land. You see, Goldman guys can pull off anything. [NYT]
NYSE Euronext picked Duncan Niederauer, current COO and co-president, to take John Thain’s place atop the big board. Oh, and guess what, he’s a Goldman boy! [NYP]
• Warren Buffett took a little time off from giving away his billions to defend (that’s right, defend) high estate taxes before Congress. “A meaningful estate tax is needed,” Buffet said, “to prevent our democracy from becoming a dynastic plutocracy.” Because, you know, it’s not that already. [NYT]

• New York Bar exam results are up! What famous person’s child will fail this year? [Above the Law]
• At Michael Mukasey’s swearing in, President Bush couldn’t help but praise Alberto Gonzalez, comments which somehow received cheers. Mukasey’s closing remark: “It’s great to be back.” [Law Blog/WSJ, Legal Times]
• The cross-Atlantic merger talks between Chadbourne & Parke and Watson Farley have now officially collapsed. [Legal Week]

• Donatella Versace is in a giving mood. She’s set up a scholarship in honor of her late brother to award young, promising talent. (Young, hot, glistening talent?) [British Vogue]
• Tommy Hilfiger Denim is replacing Mexx in Soho. [The ShopHound]
• The goal for the giant 7th on Sale is to raise $4.2 million for AIDS research. Who says fashion doesn’t have a heart? [NYT]

The Union Club Is Like an Adult Frat, But Not in a Fun, ‘Old-School’ Way