Cobble Hill: Urban Outfitters is “coming soon!” [BK11201]
Downtown Brooklyn: After endless outrage, the city will spare the little Duffield Street house believed to have been a stop on the Underground Railroad. [DDDB via Gowanus Lounge]
Financial District: Maybe, in time, all the pretty old buildings in Manhattan will be reduced, like this one, to Hollywood-set-style façades for the big new buildings behind them. [Curbed]
Hell’s Kitchen: Alert to area craft-service trucks: H.K.’s most boring blogger is flirting with stealing your trail mix. [HellsKitchenNYC]
Red Hook: Do we detect a touch of mordant Holocaust wit in the photo caption accompanying this story on German architects gushing over da Hook’s beautiful decay? [Brooklyn Paper]
Park Slope: Residents feel so guilty and conflicted about those three pesky homeless guys who finally beat it that they’ve formed a coalition to process their guilt and conflictedness. [Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn]
South Bronx: What’s it gonna be for 28 acres in the Oak Point area? Majora Carter’s Sustainable South Bronx wants a plant to recycle old construction materials, but the city wants a jail. [Hunts Point Express]